
Declaration Of Independence Research Paper

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Decades after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the United States continued to deal with European encroachment on their territory. A group of young congressmen, known as the War Hawks, were land hungry and favored war with Britain in hopes of true liberation and independence. Add filler here using Cochran ref. In the year 1799, a man named William Henry Harrison was elected Delegate to represent the land North-West of Ohio in Congress (Brief Sketch, 10). During Harrison’s term as Delegate, the state of Indiana formed from the territory he represented and was appointed Governor of Indiana. In order to continue westward expansion and attract settlers, President Jefferson encouraged Harrison to extract land treaties from numerous …show more content…

(What did they discuss? Find more from Laxer) During the actual signing of the Treaty of Fort Wayne, four tribes negotiated with Harrison: the Miamies, Delawares, Potawatomies, and Kickapoos. The Shawnees were represented by Tenskwatawa, the Prophet brother of Tecumseh in his absence. The Prophet did not sign the Treaty, but also did not oppose to the others selling the land. Upon Tecumseh’s return months after, he expressed his great dissatisfaction with the situation, issuing death threats to any chiefs that signed anymore treaties thereafter (Civil Services, 11). In August 1810, Tecumseh expressed he wanted to meet face to face with William henry Harrison at Vincennes to discuss the Treaty of Fort Wayne. The council for both parties was fairly formidable. Tecumseh was escorted by forty of his warriors excluding his brother, while Harrison was backed by several officers, supreme court judges, a friendly native chief named Winnemack, some unarmed citizens, and an additional twelve men serving as sergeant’s guard (Civil Services, 11). (Add info here from p90 of Laxer). The meeting did not run peacefully; weapons were drawn, accusations were made, and Harrison cut the meeting short, peace was not preserved between both sides. Governor Harrison remained calm throughout the meeting but was alarmed with Tecumseh’s

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