
Declaration Of Independence Research Paper

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Declaration of Independence On this day, we have been overcome by our grievances against all those who have claimed superiority over us. For years, the youth of this country have been dominated by others feeding their ideas of work and desires onto those who they perceive as below them. It is unfair that we, as a human race, must obtain these unwanted obligations. We should be using the time we have to enjoy our life, rather than being weighed down by work and misery, cast onto us by our fellow human beings. On this day, we are declaring our independence from the modern education system, in favor of a reform.For these obligations are taking away the precious time that we could be spending with those we love, doing what we love. These tasks …show more content…

We need to start thinking of our students as sentient beings capable of an incredibly diverse spectrum of individuality, rather than yet another cog in a never ending machine. For years, we have been oppressed by desires of others, as well as their established social norms. We have become slaves to the way we perceive our society to work, That we must complete work by deadlines, that we must become another's idea of a human being. This world has been established that most all people must complete tasks they never wanted to do. However, it has become that the younger generation of the population has taken much of this obligation. For each day for a student is begun before even the sun chooses to rise, Then, leads to eight hours in an establishment created of dark brick, promising years of pain and suffering through massive workloads of things that may have been intriguing, had they not been presented in such a dull and uninteresting manner. Once this task has been completed, we return to their home where hours of chores and homework await them. Then, each night, they climb into bed, each day bearing more difficultly than the last. This cycle continues for years, the only escape from this cycle being graduating from another brick establishment that has taken all money that one could ever hope to have, and attempting to find a job that might be what you want to do. It is time that we break out of this miserable cycle. This life was meant to be enjoyed by all and to be enjoyed to the fullest. This idea has been broken and shattered beyond recognition, but it still remains. The idea that we can be exactly who we want to be, without having to sell our souls to do so still lingers on, shining, yet unattainable just as a star. We simply must be the glue that binds the broken pieces of this

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