
Death Penalty Dbq

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Throughout history, many governments were implementing the death penalty unfairly because of the unjust rulers, such as the Romans and the Ottomans. For example, they were executed people who were demanding for their rights. Furthermore, the penalty ways were very ugly and inhumane. To be more precise, Romans used the saw to cut up the accused into two halves and this execution-style was the favorite of the Roman emperor Caligula. Also, Ottomans were using the stake in the death penalty to make the victim suffer as long as possible before he died. However, with the passage of time and the progress of nations, these types of executions faded. Recently, international organizations such as human rights organization and Amnesty International organization …show more content…

In some countries, executions are not only for criminal reasons, but also because of religious and racial bias. Racial discrimination began in terms of using people with black skin as slaves and servants for the rich. The racist practice against black Americans is an important example that explains how blacks were persecuted. This policy began in the United States after the American Civil War and emerged the racist legislation that supports the control of whites in the late nineteenth century. This situation made blacks angry for the loss of their rights and tough punishments up to execution because of racial grounds. Blacks began to resist this policy before World War II. Then, black American leaders have appeared like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and called for changing the racial laws. Martin Luther King was one of the most famous advocates of the abolition of the death penalty and he said that death penalty is against the best rule of new criminology. In her article, “The Death Penalty: What Would Dr. King Do?” (2012) Moye commends that Dr. King utilized the ethic of peacefulness to social change. At its embodiment was a profound appreciation for the human poise in all individuals, including the oppressor and the culprit. Martin Luther King means that every human has the right to live and no one can take this right except God. On the other hand, racism has directly affected the civil rights of blacks and indirectly on their lives. For example, judgments for certain crimes against blacks are strict compared with whites and it may reach to penalty. Not only blacks around the world are suffering from racism, but also people in occupied countries such as Palestine. This is another type of using the violence and executions for religious reasons. Since 1967, Jews occupied Palestine and declared that the land is theirs then they

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