
Daycare: The Future Of Day Care

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The Future of Daycare
Kids and Company is a well respected international child care provider with five locations in Illinois. They have earned countless awards and are continuing to expand their presence within the United States. Through incorporating Kids and Company into CA Ventures' new office building, they'll be able to differentiate its business and increase revenues.
The Common Problem Among Working Parents
Every working parent will eventually run into the same problem: what to do with their children while they are at work. There are many different options for child care that include but are not limited to a full time babysitter or a nanny, daycare services, family member, or a non working parent. Each of these different options have …show more content…

According to Child Care in America, a nonprofit organization set on improving daycare for families across the nation, Illinois currently has over 600,000 children under the age of six who will be put in child care before they start school. On top of this, a study conducted by showed that "67% [of parents] would even be willing to pay more for child care if it meant they would have a shorter work commute." With a daycare facility located within the parent's office building, parents will not have to go out of their way to drop kids off and pick them up from daycare. CA Ventures will be able to increase revenue from implementing a daycare to their office building because their clients are willing to pay higher prices for convenience. Another benefit to the employers renting out the office space would be a greater sense of employee reliability. Employees who use the daycare services will never be late due to unreliable child care. Clients are willing to pay for quality daycare service, but has this been done before? Let's take a closer look at how this has worked for other …show more content…

The main benefit employees will receive is a simplified daily schedule. Working parents often struggle to meet employer expectations while taking care of their young children. Daily tasks such as bringing their children to and from daycare become even more time consuming when living in the city. If working parents could to go directly to their workplace, their daily routine would be simplified. Also, working parents who utilize this system reported to feel less separation anxiety while at work, and consequently, have a stronger sense of emotional security. Similarly, the employers would also benefit from this situation. According to a 2007 survey by The Consulting Practice at Bright Horizons, a provider of employee-sponsored child care, 90% of parents using full-service, on-site daycare centers report increased concentration and productivity at work. In addition, companies that offer on-site daycare better retain and attract employees. The 2007 survey By The Consulting Practice at Bright Horizons also reported that 23% of parents turned down a job-change offer or refrained from pursuing alternative employment options due to the benefits of on-site daycare.
Why Kids and Company?
There are currently 2,885 licensed child care providers in the city of Chicago.3 Many of which provide outstanding care, however, there are several reasons why CA Ventures should

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