
Dawkins Chapter: Only A Theory

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Dawkins Chapter: Only a Theory
Leticia Tye
Adams State University

Dawkins Chapter: Only a Theory The Dawkins chapter speaks about the debate between religion and science and how religious people refuse to even give science teachers and professors the time of day. Most of the time people will refuse to listen to what has been proven due to their religious beliefs. Evolution professors have even been threatened with the loss of their jobs. Even though, many professors have tried to explain that evolution is a fact and one of the greatest of God’s works, still their time is wasted. The pope and educated priests and professors of theology have been known to no longer have a problem with evolution because they understand that evolution is a fact and not intended to be an anti-religious study. It has been discovered that more than forty percent of Americans deny that humans evolved from other animals and think that the earth is only thousands of years old instead of millions of years old. These kind of people are known as the “history deniers” or the “ 40-percenters” throughout this book. Many preachers agree that evolution is true and that Adam and Eve are just a ‘symbolic’ meaning will never actually mention that in a sermon. The purpose of this book is to reach those history-deniers and those who know …show more content…

Scientists tend to lean towards the first definition while creationists lean towards the second. Evolution fits the first meaning perfectly due to the fact that it is ‘a scheme of ideas or statements’. It is known to have already been confirmed by observation or experiment. It would not fit the second due to the fact that evolution has been confirmed and the second meaning does not mention anything being

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