
David Wallechinsser's Is The American Dream Still Possible?

Decent Essays

American does not provide access to the dream for its citizens because of the battle to earn money, the struggle of immigrant and minority citizens, and the way society has categorized the dream. First, the battle to earn money has significantly affected people’s chance of being able to achieve the American Dream. In the article “Is the American Dream Still Possible?” by David Wallechinsky, the author tells what the American Dream is and gives a few stories about some people who had problems with the dream and explains why. In one of the stories the author says that “despite having a college education, Randy works for $9 an hour” and ”Cherie works for a greeting-card company for $7.35 an hour.” As it can be seen, Randy is close to earning minimum …show more content…

In the essay “The Right to Fail” by William Zinsser the author talks about what failure is and how it can be beneficial for some people and how a person should not be criticized or judged because they did not achieve something. The author of this essay says that “Our advertisements and TV commercials are a hymn to material success, our magazine articles a toast to people who made it to the top.” By this being publicly exposed, people take this as being the only matter of success and the dream everyone want to achieve, but this is not so. Material wealth and how popular someone is does not determine whether or not the dream has been achieved. People making this mistake makes them feel like the dream is not possible for them or that they have no or can not achieve it. Because the dream has been categorized this way for so long it has basically taken place as the new dream, and not too many people in the world will always achieve these goals. Furthermore, in the text “American dreams and visions” by William Damon, the text summarizes what the American Dream is and what other people think the dream is. In the text the author says how society “always define the America dream as the expectation of rapidly increasing material wealth.” Society has some sort of brain wash that bases everything off of what someone has and what they can have. Having money and buying things may make some people happy, but that is not the only thing there is to life. A dream is something that someone should strive to do to make themselves a better person and provide for themselves, not to look good for other people. Being that the dream is categorized this way, some people may not be able to achieve it. Not every citizen has the ability to make a lump sum of money and be able to afford material things. When a citizen realizes this they feel like a failure because

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