
DIBELS: The One-Minute Fear Factor Assessment These DIBELS screening assessments were developed to

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DIBELS: The One-Minute Fear Factor Assessment
These DIBELS screening assessments were developed to help educators identify struggling, at-risk readers, so that appropriate types and levels of support can be implemented within the school system. They were designed to support efforts at the primary grade levels (K-6th) to prevent reading struggles as the learn progress through the school system. Furthermore, this test was to aid in the elimination in remediation lessons inside of the classroom.
DIBELS Assessment Areas
The DIBELS assessments are short timed one minute assessments. They are administered individually either by the child’s teacher, or respective staff of their particular school district. This assessment measures the basic skills …show more content…

However, there are pros of this assessment. These pros are the DIBELS is designed to measure different areas in early literacy which include, but are not limited to phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and more. All of these areas should guide instructors on ways to teach reading. Students use each of these areas to read, and understand what is being read. Therefore, this test will show teachers what areas students have mastered in early literacy skills, and what areas need to be focused on. This assessment is of no cost, compared to other exams, teachers can sign up for free accounts and download passages without having to come out of pocket. The DIBELS assessment test are administered individually, which allows for teachers to see if students are struggling in a certain area of reading. (Coulter, Shavin, &, Gichuru, 2009) For example, student Jane Doe needs assistance with comprehension, and Bob Doe needs more help in phonics.
Cons of DIBELS
The DIBELS assessment is often the epicenter of immense controversy. People see the pros and cons, but most teachers only focus on the cons they have overheard. There are only a few cons to the DIBELS assessment. The cons should be weighed by district and teacher. Some of the cons of DIBELS are the test is supposed to be given three times a year to see if a child is improving in each area measured. Although it takes less than 10 minutes to administer DIBELS to a child, teachers

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