
Culturally Responsive Education

Decent Essays

Educators in today’s school systems are encouraged to incorporate various aspects of cultural diversity into daily classroom routines and lesson content in order to develop students respect for various cultures within their community. The article reviewed, Promoting Respect for Cultural Diversity in the Classroom, written by Matthew Lynch, discusses the need for educators to encourage as well as promote respect for various cultures within the classroom that students may encounter or associate with. Additionally, educators must educate students on the importance of their own culture or heritage, as well as on the importance of cultures their peers or individuals have within the community. According to Lynch, “Culturally responsive education …show more content…

Students would be exposed to positive images, representations or depictions of culture throughout their learning day to facilitate positive attitudes toward individuals of differing cultures. Jennifer Nicole Bacon author of the article, “5 Tips for Creating a Culturally Responsive Classroom”, believes that positive images or representations, such as play African drumming music, during classroom activities allows students to gain appreciation of their culture as well as other cultures (2015). Also, educators are encouraged to discuss multicultural role models and their accomplishments, such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., as a means to provide students with an understanding that they have individual roles within society that have potential to make positive impacts. In addition, Jason G. Irizarry states, “It is important to make connections with students to help foster their learning and growth. Connecting with students and responding to their cultural identities are at the heart of culturally responsive pedagogy— an approach to teaching and learning that is consistent with the culture(s) of the students in the classroom community” (Irizarry,

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