
Cultural Themes In The Honey Spot By Jack Davis

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Good morning/afternoon parents and students, The honey spot, written by Jack Davis in 1987 is a play which talks about two important themes which are cultural beliefs and friendship. Cultural beliefs in honey spot is shown with the significance of religion. In honey spot the different cultural beliefs and values are shown of many characters who are Tim and Peggy and Ranger and William. Some cultural beliefs of indigenous people that differentiate them from other cultures are their belief of the totem. A totem as stated is a spiritual emblem which aborigines inherit. The values and cultural beliefs of Tim are discrepant to Peggy but that doesn't affect their relationship of friendship. Tim is an Indigenous kid who started school late and is living with his cousin William and his Aunty. Peggy is the daughter …show more content…

Conflict between William and Ranger occur as Jack Davis tries to create tension. William and the Ranger reconcile near the end as they both realise their mistakes. When William and Ranger reconcile a transformation happens for each of them as they both accept each other and apologise for their mistakes. Ranger and William get placed into situations which creates tension, which make the atmosphere and affects the mood of the reader. Examples of situations that the Ranger and William are placed in are when Ranger gets bit by a snake and when William goes to see Ranger. These situations affect the relationship of Ranger and his daughter Peggy as Peggy like Tim who is the the cousin of William. Peggy unlike Ranger is not racist which shows differences between Peggy and Ranger. The play is about cultural beliefs as it shows racism which affects people and how it affects others. The importance of cultural beliefs in the play are vital for an Australian audience as the theme portrays how necessary religion is, it gives perspective to the audience about other cultures, it gives a historical in site to the audience about

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