
Cultural Influences Analysis

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Culture is a key aspect of a human that reflects on their lifestyle, family, traditions and pulls together the external influences that play a role in how one chooses to live their life. For me, culture is something you collect throughout your lifetime. In my lifetime, I have been lucky enough to travel outside of the United States and meet people from all over the world. I have seen how people go about their daily routines in many different ways compared to mine. The main cultural influence that has been present in my life since day one is the closeness of my family. All my cousins are very close it has often odd when I hear about families with weak relationships and small size. Another influence that has shaped my behavior was my exposure of extreme poverty and extreme wealth while living in Mexico. Lastly, a cultural influence that has shaped my belief system is my education. A cultural influence that has really been eye opening for me, especially in the past 4 years, is the quality of education I have been lucky enough to receive. My understanding of the educational system in the United States compared to Mexico has been a jarring experience. …show more content…

Green Day’s angry lyrics screaming in my ears. The look of lost motivation was plastered on my face as I rolled my uniform shirt up to expose more of my long legs and ripped tights. I made my way up five flights of stairs and saw all my classmates lying on the floors wearing hoodies that they would later get dress coded for. I sat down and turned the volume up so that no one would bother me. The ball rang out telling us to go to first hour. “Hells Bells” by ACDC was the perfect way to describe the sound. Unmotivated and tired, I managed to get up and walk to physics class. Luz Pro had that nasty look on her face as always. I took my seat in the far corner of the room where I sat in every class. I heard a familiar

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