
Cultural Diversity Analysis

Decent Essays

Being a first-generation immigrant, I have experienced both the challenges and privileges of being raised in two very different cultures. I initially struggled to assimilate into the American society, but my parents explained to me that cultural adjustment was a matter of give and take. With their advice, I learned to be more accepting of people who were different from me, and I have grown to appreciate diversity. I will share my South Asian culture with the Saint Louis University by organizing events that promote cultural diversity on our campus. I am also fond of learning languages. Besides English, I can speak Gujarati, Spanish, and Hindi. My language skills are invaluable, as they would allow me to interact with different cultural groups on campus in a more personal manner. These distinctive personal traits will …show more content…

I have had the unique opportunity to learn about the healthcare experiences of medically underserved communities. When I volunteered at free clinics, I noticed that rural populations did not have access to appropriate healthcare services. Our patients were primarily from the local Latino and African American community, and I saw how certain health conditions (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, etc.) disproportionately impacted these patients. The lack of appropriate medical care was what contributed to these disparities, but I realized that we could promote health and wellness through patient education and community outreach. As a medical student at Saint Louis University, I hope to volunteer at the Health Resource Center, where I can provide medical care to local residents. I also wish to educate people about healthy lifestyle behaviors. From my perspective, empowering patients through health education is especially important because it encourages them to actively participate in their health care. These efforts would ultimately help bridge the gap between healthcare and health

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