
Cultural Competence Checklist : Personal Reflection Designed By T.d

Decent Essays

After completing the “cultural competence checklist: personal reflection designed by T.D. Goode” for the first time, I was not surprised by my results. The results were a reflection of my personal understanding how culture impacts holistic care and my continuous need to improve my care. I have strived to become non-judgmental. I work to not let my personal beliefs and values influence my nursing care on decisions. When I practice this philosophy it provides better patient outcomes and promotes an improved understanding of cultural differences. This also enhances a safe and caring environment. “It is important for health care providers to recognize that care must be individualized and considerate of the cultural. Racial, and ethnic identity of the patients and their families” (Broome, 2006, p. 486) .There is much diversity in the beliefs and practices of the Indian culture and we should grant these individuals complete freedom to practice their personal cultural variations and the religion they choose.
When I revisited the cultural competency quiz my score remained the same but I feel I have more tolerance and understanding regarding the statement of acceptable use of a language other than English being spoken in this country. I can now appreciate the fact that different cultures want to come to America and live, but their language is a part of their heritage and I should increase my sensitivity to the cultural differences and use all resources available at my facility such

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