
Cultural Competence

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What is Cultural Competence and why is it important to Health and Wellbeing Cultural competences are behaviours, values, attitudes and policies that a body of professionals should encompass in order to effectively work with other cultures (Bureau of Primary Health Care). Culture includes shared values, beliefs, religion, norms and customs. Competence is the ability to function as an individual and part of a team (Office of Minority Health). According to Mayhew cultural competence also involves how someone’s culture can influences the way they perceive health, illness and recovery (Mayhew 2016). The Georgetown University emphasized that cultural competence is being able to provide health services that meet social, cultural and language needs …show more content…

Being aware of other cultures allows you to treat them equally. The correct values and attitudes will allow you as a nurse to present person centred care and to make sure that a service user is mentally, and socially well not just physically. Health and wellbeing is said to be physically, mentally and socially healthy not just the absence of an illness (WHO). Its important as healthcare professions to ensure that the correct behaviours, values and policies are adhered to in order to create an effective working system to make sure that all cultures treated equally for as it is their human right to equality and freedom of discrimination. According to Baile & Epner as a nurse the key to cultural competence is to present person centred care you have to show on respect, sensitivity, trust, honesty, intelligence, interest, and you have to be open-minded (Baile & Epner …show more content…

36.7 million People were recorded to have HIV in 2015(WHO). 39 million people have died from HIV and AIDS as of 2015 and HIV is classed as pandemic issues as it affects people worldwide (WHO). HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system by doing this it weakens your systems and reduces the chance of you fighting off infections and diseases. Most commonly spread through having unprotected sex, mother to child and through sharps such as needles (blood). AIDS is a disease which is the last stage of HIV (Gallo 1984). As a society when it comes to HIV/AIDS they are sustainable developmental goals that we would like to aim at. The main goal would be good health and wellbeing. HIV/AIDS is a communicable condition. This means that it is a diseases that can be passed from one person to the other. HIV/AIDS has different impact on

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