
Cultural Aspects Of Sexy Salsa Dance

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As different groups of people move from one geographic location to another, they bring various aspects of their heritage with them, including the dance forms characteristic of their culture. While in a new location, these cultural aspects can serve to unify people of a common ethnicity, giving them a physical expression of their collective identity. On the other hand, when a minority group of people practices its dance forms in a new geographic location, dominant groups of people often adopt them. Failing to understand the social significance and original meanings of such dances, the majority group appropriates several aspects of the dance forms while changing other aspects in order to make them fit better within its cultural ideologies. In this way, cultural appropriation of dance forms dissolves some of their original cultural meanings, as is exemplified by the transmission of salsa dance from a Latin American social dance to a Western ballroom dance, changing its nature from an expression of cultural unity to an “exotic” experience. Performed primarily in social dance clubs, salsa is a fluid and dynamic dance. The movement of the dancers originates from their hips, which move constantly throughout the dance (Sexy Salsa Dancing). This in turn leads to the dancers having a “dynamic and flexible spine, weight shifts propelled by core body movement often resulting in weight suspended between the feet, [and] flexed knees and a lower center of gravity” (Malnig 304). The

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