
Cultural Analysis Of Mulan

Decent Essays

Mulan is a Disney animated film that takes place in ancient China during Han Dynasty War. Mulan is a young girl in China, the only child of her honored family who struggles to find her identity and meaning in society. While Mulan is a lovable, spirited girl who doesn’t fit in with Chinese tradition because she speaks her mind and follow her heart. Being a girl who experience culture, gender role, and self-image demonstrated what a non- tradition person will do to bring honor to her love one’s and the family. In Mulan, Chinese traditional women are prepared to be these perfect women who go through training to be declared marriageable and to be declared marriageable they must pass a certain test to become the perfect wife in the eye of the matchmaker. Mulan’s mother and grandmother shared their experiences with the matchmaker. Mulan is expected to be a beautiful woman and a good wife but nothing else which is the way her family pressure her to conform to social norms. Throughout Mulan and other women entire life they are taught to be feminine, sweet, tender hearted, emotional, empathetic, focused on physical appearances, and bear children. These women grow-up believing their gender role is to get marry and bear children if they don’t then they will bring shame upon their family. Being marry is the only way a girl can bring her family great honor but this culture tradition doesn’t fit Mulan self-image. Mulan acknowledge that she can’t be herself, if she must live up to

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