
Cuban Rebellion Essay

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In the wake of 1896, it was clear Spain had endured failure during the Cuban Rebellion. The Spanish and their leader, General Valeriano Weyler, had to come up with a way to take back control of their colony which the Cubans had seem to overtake. General Weyler was a cruel unjust individual who had mischievous ways of how he envisioned on taking back the control of his colony. General Weyler convinced a large segregation of Cubans to live in Concentration camp, claiming it was for their protection. What the Cubans did not know was that they going to endure torture and pain until the end of their life. With a reconcentration policy enforced by General Weyler, Cubans had to report to the camps within a certain amount of days, or else they would …show more content…

The most common method that was used by the Americans against the Filipinos was known as the “water cure” method. During this, the United States soldiers would lay the prisoners on their backs with a man standing on each end of them holding them down. They would pour a pail of water in their mouth and nose, watching them swell up. The Filipinos described this type of torture as terrible, leading them to give up information, like hidden weapons for the Americans to obtain. This other type of punishments described were extreme violence along with horrible living conditions and lack of food. In my opinion, I am indifferent about torture. If an individual has committed a horrible crime, I agree with using torture on them to punish them. When using torture on somebody just to obtain information, unless it is vital, I would not push for torture or the use of extreme methods. With being so indifferent on torture being used, I cant say if I fully support the use of torture on prisoners. The root of the issue boils down to just how valuable and beneficial information may be to determine the route of punishment i would choose to

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