
Crucible quotes

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SHORT ANSWER STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS - The Crucible Act One 1. "So now they and their church found it necessary to deny any other sect its freedom, lest their New Jerusalem be defiled and corrupted by wrong and deceitful ideas." What is the irony in that statement? 2. Explain how the witch-hunt years were a time of "general revenge." 3. Identify Tituba, Abigail, and Betty. 4. Why does Mrs. Putnam believe there are witches in Salem? 5. Why is Thomas Putnam bitter? 6. Parris says, "Oh, Abigail, what proper payment for my charity! Now I am undone!" What does that mean? 7. What is Mary 's argument to Abby? 8. Describe Proctor. 9. What happened between Abigail and John Proctor prior to the opening of the play? 10. What was the …show more content…

"He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him!" What does Elizabeth mean? ANSWER KEY: SHORT ANSWER STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS - The Crucible Act One 1. "So now they and their church found it necessary to deny any other sect its freedom, lest their New Jerusalem be defiled and corrupted by wrong and deceitful ideas." What is the irony in that statement? The Puritans came to this country for religious freedom; however, when they got here they persecuted others as they had been persecuted. They turned their colony into a place almost as bad as the place they had left. 2. Explain how the witch-hunt years were a time of "general revenge." Being under such strict laws and commandments, the Puritans had to repress a lot of their anger and spirit of revenge towards their neighbors. When the witch hunts started, it was an excellent opportunity for them to "let their hair down" and get revenge on their neighbors for whatever petty squabbles they had been having. 3. Identify Tituba, Abigail, Betty Tituba was Parris ' slave woman from Barbados. She went with the girls into the forest and was accused of conjuring spirits, accused of being a witch. Later, she confessed to being a witch to save her life. Abigail was Parris ' niece. She lived with Parris because her own parents had been killed by Indians. Abigail was the main instigator of the witch hunt; she enjoyed the attention and tried to get revenge on several people in the village, particularly

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