
Critical Discourse Analysis ( Cda )

Decent Essays

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is an interdisciplinary approach, which has been further developed on the basis of Discourse Analysis (DA) since 1970s. The insights have been expanded into a broader range of social, cultural, psychological and political practices. It is regarded as the textual study aiming to elucidate the abuses of power residing in the texts by analyzing linguistic/semiotic remarks in accordance with the existing (social, political, cultural, etc.) contexts in which those texts circulate (Wodak: 2001, 1-2; Fairclough: 1995; Huckin, Andrus, and Clary-Lemon: 2012, 107; Rashidi and Souzandehfar: 2010, 56; Economou: 2009, 42). As many linguists and scholars’ engagement with the study of CDA, there already has been several schools or genres with their representative figures. Although the history and development of CDA study is still a bit premature and there is no distinct framework of wide-recogonition, according to van Dijk (2007), there are mainly four approaches to it: 1) the Critical Linguistics (CL) developed by Fowler et al. (1979; 1991; 1996), Kress (1985); sociocultural/socio-semiotic approach proposed by Fairclough (1985; 1988; 1989; 1992; 1995; 2003; 2006); discourse-historical created by Wodak (1996, 2001) and Wodak et al. (1999); and sociocognitive approach introduced by van Dijk (1998, 2001, 2002) (Rashidi, Souzandehfar: 2010, 56-57; Economou: 42).
CL is considered originally being introduced by Fowler et al. in their book of Language and

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