
Critical Analysis : Critical Paradigm

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Critical Paradigm
The critical paradigm highlights and counters oppression, while attempting to redistribute resources more appropriately (Weaver & Olson, 2006). The critical paradigm is often associated with various movements such as feminist, grassroots and emancipator. Research conducted using a critical paradigm is concerned with an uneven distribution of resources, empowerment, and emancipation (Lutz, Jones, & Kendall, 1997). A patient’s resources are the primary determinant of health choices for patients. For example, a patient from a lower economic status is dependent on available resources to make better health choices; often these choices are limited due to financial burden (Butterfield, 2006). One of the goals of the critical paradigm is to understand inequities in patients’ socio-political backgrounds, in conjunction with active work to change these inequities (Lutz, Jones, & Kendall, 1997; Weaver & Olson, 2006). Nurses should advocate for their patients, and intervene at all levels, community, social and government (Butterfield, 2006).
Returning to the cancer patient in the previous exemplar, the nurse would establish the patient’s inability to attend all her radiation appointments. She did not have the energy to take a bus, and her daughter was unable to drive her. The nurse, upon realizing that the patient is a minority from a poor economic status would advocate for enhanced funding for driving assistance. By expanding the availability of assistance

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