
Criminal Tendencies For A Young Bernie Madoff

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Criminal Tendencies for a Young Bernie Madoff This “rags to riches” story began long before BMIS was ever founded; furthermore, there is an underlying story that indicates the fraudulent behavior was witnessed early in Bernie Madoff’s life. When Bernie Madoff’s was young, his parents were running an illegal brokerage firm out of their home in an effort to raise money to pay back taxes owed on the property (Biography, 2016). These impressions of his parent’s early failure and deviant behavior may have influenced the compulsive behavior and determination to accumulate wealth Bernie Madoff displayed. Traumatic events experienced as a child or young adult oftentimes influences future behavior without understanding where the inspiration came from. The capacity for greed Bernie Madoff possessed was staggering; in fact, he was so proficient at luring in investors that his firm stole approximately $65 billion dollars and at one point Bernie Madoff was worth approximately $800 million (Lozada, 2010). The theory that best depicts this behavior is anomie, which dates back to 1591 as a blatant disregard for the law (Hagan, 2013). It is ironic to say the least that Merton’s theory of anomie first appeared in 1938 and viewed anomie as a phenomenon that occurs when attempting to achieve societal goals causes deviant behavior. An interesting fact is that Bernie Madoff was born in April of the same year (1938) that Merton summed up the theory of anomie that would define Bernie Madoff’s

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