
Credit Card Debt Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt!

Yes, it's possible. But it's going to be a painful process. And it will require you to shed blood, tears, and sweat. However, the sacrifices will definitely be worth the reward. So how can you finally pay off all your credit card debt and be proud of your Experian, Transunion, Equifax, or FICO® score? Here are some practical tips to make your way towards financial freedom.

1. Stop using your credit cards.

Freeze them, cut them, hang them from the top of the Empire State building, it's up to you. The point is you need to make sure your plastic money is not accessible to you so you can't use them anymore and rack up more debt. This is one of the most difficult but important steps.

2. Create your payment master plan. …show more content…

Is it to pay off your credit card with the highest interest? Then check all your accounts and rank your plastics according to highest to lowest interest and start paying of the one on top of your list. Is it to fully pay off one card in the shortest time possible? Then go with the one with the smallest balance first. Is it to boost your credit score? Tackle the card with the highest utilization rate. Fully paying off one card will make you feel awesome and even more motivated to take care of the rest of your debts.

Once you've identified which credit card you'll prioritize paying off, aim to make at least a double payment each month. Once you've fully paid off the card on the top of your list, proceed to the next one sticking to the same amount and payment schedules you've been making in the previous

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