
Creationism And Evolution : Louisiana Education Act Essay

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Creationism & Evolution: Louisiana Education Act
In the United States, the theory of evolution and creationism has been strictly debated as far as which method if any should be taught in science classes across the globe. How was the earth created? Where did humans come from? These are questions that arise in most science classes. Many students require an explanation to why humans exist. There are those who would oppose evolution, and there are those who oppose creationism. Is there a significant difference between these methods? Several states have passed regulations that allow schools to teach both methods. The Louisiana Science Education Act, in particular, is an extremely controversial debate. The act allows teachers to teach adscititious materials in the classroom. Many opponents are looking to repeal this law. The Louisiana Science Education Act should not be repealed as it allows the student to engage in critical thinking skills, acknowledge both theories and ultimately decide which theory they believe in.
Looking back at our history creationism was the first explanation of how humans were created. Since the beginning of time Christianity has played a significant role in religion. Christianity started in Jerusalem and expanded into many different denominations across the world. Therefore, Christianity is a religion based off of Jesus Christ and God the creator of the earth. “Creationism stemmed from several religions and is the belief that a higher being or deity

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