
Creation Myth, Myths And Beliefs Of Creation Traditions

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All throughout ancient cultures, there are stories, legends, and myths. Many of these cultures share similarities within their origin explanations. The recurrences of these stories are called motifs. From great floods to benevolent creators, all creation myths share similarities within at least one other myth, whether it be Babylonian,Christian, Greek, or Cheyenne. There can always be a motif found in any creation myth; the most popular of which include man being created from organic materials, the creator breathing life into the creation(man), and the earth and sky forming from the body of the creator(s).
Man being created from organic materials One of the most commonly known creation myths is about the Christian/Hebrew creation of man. In this myth, the first man is made from organic materials and the first woman is made from a rib taken from the first man. Ancient cultures realized that they were made from the same things as the environment around them, so it would only make sense for their creation myth to involve man being made from all sorts of organic materials. This inclusion of this motif shows that ancient cultures had at least a basic understanding of the elements and what makes up everything on the earth. In the Cheyenne creation myth, Maheo also uses one of his ribs to create the first human. Humans are respectively made from dirt clods, rocks, clay, demon bones, trees, mud, stone, white corn, pea pods, and tears throughout various creation myths. Every

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