
Consumer Surveillance Is Unethical And Manipulative

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Retail Anthropologists Playing Big Brother Trial and error was the name of the game when it came to retail improvements. In the past retailers would have to test methods on their own with little to help them but the sales they got in return. Going out of their way to find out what works with consumer and what doesn’t. Losing customers all while trying to figure out what they truly want and trying to heed to their needs. With the increase of technology in every aspect of life, we are starting to see retailers follow suit. This is done in the form of surveillance on consumers by retail anthropologists. For many years it has been a widely debated subject as to where these practices are ethical and manipulative. While many believe consumer …show more content…

Consumers greatly benefit from the studying of their shopping behaviors by retail anthropologists. Imagine a man named Dan, walks into a store with a few set items to buy in mind. Dan is determined to go in and buy those items. A few weeks prior the store had been examined to improve on providing what their customers want. Dan just so happens to be a frequent shopper at the store so his metadata influenced how store layout and placement of items. Normally, Dan would go to get what he wants and get distracted along the way but thanks to the improved layout and consideration for the shoppers needs in mind, Dan was finally able to quickly get what he wants and leave the store. Dan directly benefitted from having retail anthropologists use his data. Data taken from the YouTube video, “How stores track your shopping behavior” shows that with 2 shelf facing it takes 3.3 seconds to locate Post Bran Flakes, as opposed to 2.3 seconds with 4 shelf facing. Not only does Dan benefit from the consumer surveillance but so do all consumers. Now, let’s say another shopper named Lisa goes to the same store as Dan. Lisa hates the store because of their narrow walkways and being bombarded by things as she enter. Just as with Dan, she is subjected to surveillance to see how shoppers behave in that store. The

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