
Confucius And The Chinese Sage

Decent Essays

1. “Confucius said, ‘The gentleman understands integrity; the petty person knows about profit.’” (18)
Confucius’ high emphasis on morality instead of profit was one of his major political ideals that he tried to persuade the the rulers of the kingdoms to pursue. However, his failure to convince any of those rulers reflected the prevalent pragmatic political culture at that period. After all, the kingdoms were at war with each other so that Confucius’ idea was inevitably less popular than those battle-winning strategies in favor of “profit.”
Nevertheless, hundreds of years later, when China became a large unified country, its emperor started to promote Confucius’s ideas nationwide and even integrated them into 科举 to select government officials, who were all supposed to master …show more content…

“We learn that a sage recognizes a sage, whereas an ordinary man cannot recognize a sage. The ordinary man sees nothing but the outer form of a beggar, while the sage has a penetrating eye able to recognize the hidden essence.” (77)

In ancient East Asian countries, sages were a group of people respected by educated people and revered by the common illiterate mass. According to the text, the sages were those who with acute eyes that penetrate to the essence. This statement emphasizes the distinction between the sages and ordinary people. Although the text only shows one characteristic of the sages, sages were indeed special for the Chinese society and the Confucianism.
For the ancient dynasties of China and Japan that influenced by Confucianism, sages were often focusing on developing their thoughts and were not directly involved in politics. Although the government officials studied Confucianism when they were student, oftentimes they were not considered as sages probably because they did not possess the characteristics of the sages and did not develop their own Confucianism theories. The sages’ influence mainly came from their scholarly work and their teaching passed on by their

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