
Conformity In Psychology

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Conformity, as defined by Simply Psychology, is “a type of social influence involving a change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a group”. The term conformity is a term that’s common place in the psychology community because of how applicable the idea is to the common person and their actions. Conformity can be caused by a myriad of different things, some of which being because the individual desires to either fit in with the majority of the group or because they genuinely feel the popular within the group is the correct one. Both of these phenomena are known as social normative and social informative influence respectively. If we go further into detail, social normative influence is caused by real and imagined group pressure. For example, if one were to stop reading a certain book series because their classmate viewed it as immature and tacky that would be conformity in response to real group pressure. …show more content…

Informative social influence is self explanatory, the idea being changing your personal beliefs based on the assumption that information provided by and the general consensus of the group being more accurate, with some real world applications being rhetoric used during political debates and discussions. Many people will attempt to sway your standpoint an issue by stating things such as “if you don’t believe in this, then you’re a part of the problem” or “how can you not believe this exists in this day and age”. One final cause of conformity is social identification influence. This idea states that one might conform in order to adhere to the societal standards thrust upon

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