
Confederation Independence

Decent Essays

Declaring Independence from Great Britain left the United States dismantled and in need of structure. During the Revolutionary war the continental congress wrote the Articles of Confederation to regulate the colonies as a national government. Lasting no more than 4 years the Articles of Confederation lacked any sufficient power to keep the country united as one and protected with a national army or navy. As each state was formed they began to act out against each other in self-interest. With no power to regulate commerce between states, the states were free to establish their own commerce rules that would most often impact other states negatively. Without a way to properly enforce laws and taxation through a national court system, laws were …show more content…

Soon there was sufficient interest from the states to arrange an official meeting in Philadelphia to change the Articles of Confederation. During the 5 months that the delegates met in secrecy they worked together to create a checks and balance system to prevent any abuse of power. Resulting in the government’s power split between three very different branches of government from part of the Virginia plan called the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Under this adopted plan congress was given the power to veto laws passed by the state legislature and protect the harmony of the United States. The delegates of the Constitutional Convention came to what is known as The Great Comprise by adopting a two-house legislature. This compromise gave proportional representation to the House of Representatives and equal representation to the senate and established that three out of five slaves would be included in state’s critical headcount. Another measure to balance power in the legislator, the delegates created the Electoral College as a way to elect the president and vice president. On September 17, 1787 George Washington declared the Constitutional Convention had come to an end and they had completed writing the constitution. Needing the approval of only nine states the ratification of the constitution created many debates between the Federalist and Anti-Federalist about how and why the country would benefit from this new government structure. By June 25, 1788 the constitution had sufficient votes to become the new form of government. The newly adopted constitution allowed for the national government to regulate commerce and establish common laws between the states ensuring growth in unity as a nation. With the proper governmental organization put in place, westward expansion was the main

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