
Conducting The HRDNI

Decent Essays

It is important to remember when conducting the HRDNI, that there are three forces that investigators must be aware of:
1. Organisational politics
2. Espoused theory; and
3. Organisational defence mechanisms.
In the case of RNC, staff have not been provided with adequate support or training to be able to develop the necessary skills to perform duties to the required standard. Organisations that understand the importance of having a committed and capable workforce helps the organisation achieve their strategic goals and. Implementation of organisational learning processes and human resources management is often neglected (Tortorella & Fogliatto 2014).
4. Describe the investigative processes used
HRDNI is used to identify the gap between the …show more content…

The disadvantage of conducting interviews is that they can be time consuming, however, this can be offset by conducting the interviews at the final stage, so that it is clear what information the HRD is seeking from the interviewee. By focusing on the areas, and engaging the individual to speak openly about their training, support and how operationally the practices are working, the individual is more likely to feel able to speak openly and identify any concerns that they have or suggest improvements that can be …show more content…

As part of the HRDNI process, learning development and training opportunities support the organisation achieving the organisations strategies as it can help to improve organisational, team and individual performance ( Armstorng and Baron 2002 cited in Neale 2004).

6. Define the learning outcomes and learning objectives
It is important to remember that the HRDNI should be future focused, positive and linked to competencies and qualifications that are required to perform the functions of the job to the highest standard. In this instance, administrative staff need to be familiar with the office suite of products and also outlook and general office management. The manager and coordinator, require skills at diploma or higher level so that they have a comprehensive understanding of the positions and how to perform the functions required of them.
HRDNI report needs to document carefully and completely the HRDNI report issues. They should be presented as a hierarchy of outcomes and associated objectives to assist the HRD to design the learning experience later on (Delahaye 2011). If qualifications are needed, these need to be described fully and linked to the Australian Quality Training

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