
Concealed Carry Analysis

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On January 6, 2013, Staff Sgt. Nathan Haddad was pulled over for a random stop in the state of New York. Inside his car, Sgt. Haddad was in possession of five AR-15 magazines. Unaware of the New York law, which prohibits possession of magazines capable of carrying seven or more rounds, Sgt. Haddad was arrested and charged with five felonies. This decorated Army veteran could now face 35 years in prison because of confusing and inconsistent gun laws in the United States. Governmental seems like it’s always in the media spotlight. There are countless talking heads on television debating how to keep firearms out of the bad guys hands. Usually these arguments extremely heated, and no real progress comes out of the discussions. However, the important …show more content…

People in this country assume that more guns will equal more crime. This is simply not true. States with shall issue permits have 10% fewer gun homicides than may issue States. After Florida passed their shall issue concealed carry law, the State saw homicide rates fall from 36% above the National average, to 4% below the average. Another argument that is commonly made, is that people who conceal carry are more likely to commit crimes now that they can lawfully carry a firearm. That statement is yet another myth in the debate of gun control. Since 1988, crime rates involving concealed carriers has consistently been around .02%. People possessing a concealed carry permit are 6 times less likely to be arrested for a violent crime, and 13 times less likely to be arrested for a non-violent offense. This facts are also echoed by the National law enforcement community, who adamantly support Americans right to defend themselves. A study that was issued in 2013, found that 91% of law enforcement personnel believe concealed carry should be permitted, “without question and further restrictions.” Another 2013 study by a National police gun policy organization, found that 86% of law enforcement officers in the United States believe that concealed carry is the single most effective way to stop mass casualty shootings. Concealed weapons are frequently used to prevent crimes and mass shootings in the United States. A Florida State University study asked 4,978 people, if they have used a concealed weapon in any way, to prevent or stop a crime. 1.33% of respondents reported having done so within the past year. If you multiply these numbers to fit the United States population, that would come to 1.9 million crimes that have been prevented by a concealed firearm. The numbers and facts present do not lie. If you put these statistics next to the testimony from law enforcement, you cannot deny the

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