
Competency Patterns

Satisfactory Essays

To be successful knowing how to learn is important to me. I have come to realize that learning involves everything around me. I believe that I can make sense of learning and I am able to respond to situations correctly with common sense. Common sense is a vital part of understanding the learning definition. Knowing what I think, how I do things, how I feel and talking to my self is a vital part of my learning pattern. Viewing what I wrote in my first week of class and knowing what I know now. I would not change anything. For me to develop a learning pattern I understand I have had to learn. It is a vital requirement of life. My LCI scores Level of Usage Sequence 31 Use First Precision 31 Use First Technical Reasoning 17 Avoid Confluence 23 Use as Needed I believe that I have learned how to …show more content…

I always read and follow all directions prior to starting any of my work. I tether my work because I have enough time to check the work at the end. My precision pattern is also in the use first level. I take pride in never waiting until the last minute to do my assignments. I tether my work in recognizing that it will not be perfect. I have realized that I think of something similar related to understand some assignments. I avoid using my technical reasoning by forging this pattern, I have learned to make the topic find a purpose in writing my discussions. I am one of those as needed confluence users. During the class readings, I would intensify my readings to stay on task. I honestly just went with the flow of what was being asked to

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