
Comparing The Iron Curtain And Chance For Peace

Decent Essays

Here are two of the most important orations of the cold war period, by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Dwight D Eisenhower’s describing the policies and efforts to contain the Cold War era. Churchill starts with his famous speech “the Iron Curtain” delivered in Fulton Missouri in 1946 after being invited by President Truman. The “Iron Curtain” speech was the initial platform that announced and defined the declarations of the Cold war to come with the urgency to have a tight relationship between the countries of democracy against communism. Then with President Eisenhower’s speech in 1953 a “Chance for Peace” this was an initiative that outlined the clear recognition of the prospects the world faced and the cost in sincere efforts to end the cold war. The “Iron Curtain” and “Chance for Peace” both reveal the conviction and strong efforts that are desired to restrict the fears encompassed with the Cold war. Winston Churchill is often proclaimed as the greatest leader in Britain history and one of the world's eminent leaders. He was a charismatic and adventurous, egotistical, visionary and with unconventional ideologies, an enigma of his era. His life spanned for more than two world wars and the rise and fall of the Victorian …show more content…

The two pieces capture the devastation of what is coming if something is not done to prevent the spread of communism. They caveat each other as at first identifying the threat to come and methods to initially prevent it from inflicting further damage, then further refinement seeing clearly the ways to conduct and protect world affairs and interests. In summary these speeches given by great leaders of their time identified and led in conducting business in protecting the world

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