
Comparing The Birth Stories Of Matthew And Luke

Decent Essays

The profound birth narratives of Matthew and Luke clearly, and immediately, place Jesus as the Son of God. Both authors leave no room for doubt among readers that God orchestrates the birth of Jesus Christ. The basic premise within the narratives is also similar; Jesus is born in Bethlehem to the Virgin Mary, wife of Joseph. Soon after his birth, Jesus receives visitors who affirm his significance. The surety of Jesus’ divinity is established by God’s usage of visions and angels in guiding the characters involved in the birth narratives. Jesus’ birth is repeatedly portrayed to be fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament. However, even though the narratives strongly emphasize Jesus’ sanctity, their underlying premise is quite peculiar for God’s arrival on Earth. Instead of an entry into the world signified by grand celebrations and commemoration, the birth of Jesus occurs in an intimate setting.
God plays a prominent role in birth narratives of Matthew and Luke. God’s presence ensures that Joseph and Mary know how truly momentous the coming birth is. An angel appears to Joseph or Mary, depending on the Gospel, before Jesus’ birth and declare what is to come (New Revised Standard Version, Matthew.1.20; Luke 1.30). God’s messages provide contextualization of Jesus’ …show more content…

This process helps substantiate the claim of Jesus being the Messiah, foretold in the Old Testament. In both Gospels, Jesus lineage goes back to King David (Matthew. 1.6; Luke. 2.4). Jesus is born in Bethlehem, a town of great prophetic importance (Matthew. 2.5-2.6; Luke. 2.4). Another key element is the virgin birth of Jesus (Matthew. 1.23; Luke. 1.27). The birth to a virgin in the town of Bethlehem with linage back to King David is evidence for Jesus being the Messiah. Another geographic similarity is that Joseph, Mary, and the child settle in

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