
Comparing Mill's Views On Justice And Freedom

Decent Essays

This essay considers the extent to which the U.S. should be tolerant of what can be considered damaging forms of justice and freedom. For example, if I do whatever I want knowing there’s consequences and laws in this country, then maybe I should second guess myself and choose the smartest option at that moment. But for those who aren’t smart and don’t care about the law often times end up those who ruin this country, so exactly how much justice and freedom should they receive? Plato believed that the conflicting interest of others could be harmonized in an ideal society, without the expense of one or another’s group. I wonder if there was no such thing as justice, would the individual be more cautious of his/her actions. Plato argues that …show more content…

Plato would argue liberty should be constrained to a certain extent, he believed a just society should be governed by a Philosopher-King. Plato writes “Such a city will be the best and happiest…it will be a single unit, like an organism, with all loyalties directed toward the state rather than toward families or other smaller groups within the state” (Plato 462a-466d). This emphasizes the fact that Plato’s theory for a new government was on the rise, his answer to save Athenian democracy would be Aristocracy- rule of the best. Aristocracy consist of both women and men having the chance to do the same tasks, women and children will not be private possessions but common to all of the men as well as marriage arrangements eugenics. Aristocracy would give the people of Athens equality. In total Plato and the group of intellectuals came up with a five types of regimes including, Aristocracy, Timocracy (rule of the honorable), Oligarchy (rule of wealth), Democracy (rule of the people), and Tyranny (rule of the strongest). Their conclusion being that aristocrat is just, the tyrant unjust. Therefore just makes a man happy, injustice makes him unhappy. (588b-592b) The whole concept is to create an ideal society, where no man has too much power, where justice is given to all, where not just the middle class is targeted but society work as a whole. So, Plato argues justice and these ideal forms of government are Athens only hope before it ruins and decays. Mill argues that there is no higher moral authority, at least not one that takes the form of a wise man. It’s safe to say that too much of something is never okay, therefore too much justice/freedom can create issues in

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