
Comparing Davis and Lincoln's Innagural Address

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The bloodiest war in American history, led by Abraham Lincoln for the north, and Jefferson Davis for the south, both presidents, but two different sides. Both garner for peace, yet one is willing to start a war, while the other is willing to accept it. This essay will compare and contrast the political, economical, and social outlooks on Lincoln’s and Davis’ Inaugural addresses throughout the civil war between the North and South. Slavery, laws, and state rights drove the South to start a war, and Lincoln received the war with open arms. Both sides wanted peace, but their means of achieving it and their leaders’ choices and beliefs differed greatly while still holding similarities. Abraham Lincoln had many neutral political views, which …show more content…

When you put the two paragraphs together you can see that where Lincoln took a step back and planned his approach to not only the oncoming war but the presidency itself, Davis decided to bull on through and strive to please his own people while slandering those on the other side of the wall. In terms of the economy, Lincoln had less to say then Davis. Slavery was largely the main economical problem at the time. Fighting over the abolishment of slavery was slowly escalating. Lincoln in contrast of what many who have not had history lessons would think, did not come into office saying he would abolish slavery. “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists.” (Lincoln, 3) Lincoln had no belief that it was his right to throw out something so important to the economy of the southern states. Davis surprisingly makes no major mention of slavery in either of his inaugural addresses. All that Davis talks about that could slightly relate to slavery is that the Southerners are an agricultural people. Davis’ main point about economical subjects, is his strike at the Union’s naval blockade of the Southern states. Davis says that the Union’s blockade may be blocking the South’s trade with foreign countries, but it is only making them a stronger self-supporting and independent people. Lincoln’s only other real point about the economy is his statement that the mail service will continue throughout the

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