
Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Articles Of Confederation

Decent Essays

After America gained independence from England, the founding fathers wanted a government that would not overrule the people using the rules under the Articles of Confederation. The founding fathers did not want their government to be like England’s because Americans fought for their freedom and for the people’s voices to be heard, so that’s what the government had to be, fair. However, the new government system was too weak, and created major problems that all led up to the making of the constitution.The government had no power to collect taxes, nobody to carry out laws, no national court, and they couldn’t regulate trade. They decided that the constitution would be a better government for the people and would have power, but not too much …show more content…

The Articles of confederation are shown to have many weaknesses, for example; the government had little power, no executive office to carry out the laws of congress, no national courts (only state courts), congress has no power to tax, and no national currency. These were most of the problems that were corrected by the constitution. The constitution had many great corrections like; government had most power, national and states courts exist,congress can tax, and a few more. This concludes that the Constitution was made to correct the Articles of confederations wrongs. They made congress so great, we still use most of those rules …show more content…

Underneath the picture of Shay’s rebellion. Is a passage of George Washington's letter to James Madison. In His note he says that the government is falling and that England's prediction about how without England, America’s government might fall. He asked Madison these questions “Will not the wise and good people work hard to prevent this evil? How much more evidence is needed to prove that our government is falling apart? If there is no power to stop them what security has a man for life, liberty, or property?” The making of the constitution help form America. They created three branches connected to other branches. They made sure that none of the branches would override the others. As shown in document 4, the Great Compromise created a congress that is made up of two branches. One branch is the senate, and the other branch is the house of representatives. The Senate make all states have equal representation that allow two senators from each state. In the house of representatives, representation is based on the population of the states and the number of representatives varies between each

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