
Compare And Contrast The Chrysanthemums And Yellow Wallpaper

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In all stories, setting is something more than just a time or place. The setting helps recreate an atmosphere and mood, and helps show why characters act certain ways. Whether or not the reader realizes this, a well-designed supporting narrative highlights the author’s chosen themes and demonstrates further why the characters make the choices they did. By providing the unconscious backdrop for the ongoing storyline, a well-designed setting can subtly reinforce the particular atmosphere in which the characters live, and obliquely work toward the author’s ultimate point in the novel, without the explicit realisation by the reader that this has happened at all. The setting in both The Chrysanthemums and Yellow Wallpaper works behind the …show more content…

She quickly realizes that the tinker had thrown out her chrysanthemums, and kept the pot. They turn around the corner, and Elisa sees the tinker’s small wagon. When driving past, all she can do is turn her back to the wagon, lift her coat collar, and cry weakly.
From the beginning, the author makes the setting play a major role in revealing how Elisa’s psychological state exists in an state of isolation. He includes this even in the description of the weather: “The high gray-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from the rest of the world. On every side, it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley a closed pot.” (page 1) This descriptive passage of the surrounding area gives the reader a sense of loneliness and isolation from the world around Elisa. Similarly to the setting, Elisa spends the majority of her in the confines of her house or tending to her flower garden. Steinbeck describes the scene as “a time of quiet and waiting.” (page 1) Basically, the description of the weather and the outward external circumstances of the Salinas valley perfectly reflect Elisa’s personal isolation and sense of enclosement.
When the tinker and Elisa first meet next to the flower garden, the reader sees two previously separate worlds collide: Elisa’s stationary, small, and isolated world of the Salinas Valley compared to the tinker’s expansive world of the highway, as he travels up and down the west coast in search of

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