
Compare And Contrast: Okita Vs. Cisneros

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Compare and Contrast: Okita v. Cisneros

The two short stories that are provided are “In Response to Executive Order 9066: All Americans of Japanese Descent Must Report to Relocation Centers” by Dwight Okita and “Mericans” by Sandra Cisneros. Even though reading through there are many comparisons between these two stories, there are some differences as well, For example Okita writes about a 14 year old girl and about her American life and Cisneros also expresses the same topic but in different ways. We have 2 little girls from different ethnicities living an american life calling themselves Americans. While as they are correct, they are Americans, they don't quite look american. From different heritages we have an Japanese-American and a Mexican-American.

A similarity noticed was the main topic of each story. Each express their view and their experience living in America. Both being girls living in an American society. Both talking about their American identity while being a mix of different ethnicities. …show more content…

In the short story there is a 14 year old girl living an american life with a best friend who is characterized as a white girl named Denise. She describes how using chopsticks is a strange thing to do but, her favorite food is a hot dog. Hot dogs are typically an American food mainly sold at events like Baseball games. She expresses how she feels more like an American looking at boys with Denise. She explains how she came to know her best friend Denise, stating how all through grade school they sat very close together due by their last names being close in alphabetical

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