
Compare And Contrast Eisenhower Administration And Sputnik

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The Eisenhower Administration and Sputnik
After the ravages of World War II, the United States experienced a long period of economic boom, thanks to the increased production of weapons during the war and to the low price of oil. However, despite the nationwide economic prosperity, Americans felt increasing fear in the looming shadow of the communist Soviet Union. Sputnik’s successful launch increased tensions that had been building since the aftermath of World War II; as a result, President Eisenhower and his administration instituted numerous measures to calm down the hysteria that pervaded the US, but these attempts had no real effect on reducing tensions felt by both sides.
After World War II, especially in the aftermath of the deployment …show more content…

. . . May intelligence, warm sympathy and affection guide us safely through a future pregnant with possibilities for much good or for evil more hellish than any yet known. (Steele, …show more content…

This is demonstrated in the idea that the most harmful effects could be prevented by hiding in concrete bases. As a result of being in the dark about the power of nuclear weapons, people were constantly in fear. This lack of knowledge about nuclear weapons and the amount of planning in preparation of deploying a nuclear weapon along with the constant fear also caused people to be irrationally fearful about “willy nilly” deployments of nuclear weapons on the US such that schools even would hold nuclear war drills like schools hold fire, earthquake, or lock-in drills today to prepare people for such an event when the time came. This fear was multiplied by the successful string of launches of multiple generations of Sputnik by the Soviet Union which reinforced Americans’ fears of imminent nuclear

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