
Compare And Contrast Confucianism Essay

Decent Essays

Confucianism Comparative Essay

Confucianism is a philosophy that developed into a religion in northern China, yet when comparing it to other religions many similarities can be found. Confucianism, Christianity, and Buddhism all have written teachings for their followers. All three of these religions originated in parts of Asia, and they all have a form of the golden rule. Despite these similarities they have many distinctions between them. Since Confucianism began as a philosophy and not a religion, it makes it fundamentally different from Christianity and Buddhism. Confucianism doesn’t believe in any gods while Christianity and, partially, Buddhism are monotheistic. They’re views on what occurs after death also vary. Confucianism and Christianity are two religions that both originate in areas of Asia. Confucianism arose in northern China during the Period of Warring States. Confucius, or Kong Fuzi, developed the religion that became known as Confucianism. Christianity has it’s origins in Israel, as it’s most important figure Jesus was from Nazareth. Both of these men traveled to promote and spread their …show more content…

Their differences can be shown through how the religions impacted the governance of their primary empires. Han Wudi was an emperor during the Han dynasty in China. During his rule he established universities to teach future political leaders how to properly do their jobs and form a bureaucracy. The Byzantine empire was one of the most influential of the Christian empires. Christianity and the church was as power as the government in Byzantium and many of the Byzantine emperors were Christian. In the Mauyan dynasty, emperor Ashoka was a convert to Buddhism. He was seeking enlightenment to help him get past the guilt he felt after a battle. He promoted Buddhism among his people and established edicts to spread it even

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