
Compare And Contrast Cars And Driverless Cars

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As the decades progressed so, too, did technology. Technology has been a huge part of the future, bringing advancement and efficient products for the consumers. For several years' cars has been the main way to transport from place to place and people now are trying to create an accessible car to succeed everyone's different point of view. Although driving cars and driverless cars share similarities, driverless cars are more efficient because they are built to be safer, comfortable, and more affordable to the consumer of the car.

Driverless cars are tediously built to be safer other than making them faster or more efficient to save money on fuel. Many large companies have invested in driverless cars to be produced and tested to see the safety hazard involved. With regular …show more content…

This statement reflects on how driverless cars and human driving cars can drive the same amount of miles and the driverless cars can get through it without a single scratch. A benefit of driverless cars comes with features that are built in with passive technologies like cameras and alert systems. This prevents accidents by avoiding the car in front of you or in the back. "New crash mitigation technology will warn you if you are about to have an accident and will actually hit the brakes for you if there is something impending," (source 3). If you aren't the greatest driver it also helps you with your blind spot as well! Another advance feature of a driverless car is that one driverless car will know that another

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