
Compare And Contrast Beowulf And The Iliad

Decent Essays

“Beowulf” and “The Iliad” have plenty of differences but also have plenty of similarities within their stories, structure, and writing styles. For instance they are both poems but “The Iliad” is an ancient poem while “Beowulf” is an epic poem. They are both poems but they are two different types of poems, this is just one of the many similarities and differences in these two stories. One of the similarities within this story is that both heros from the stories take a prize from their enemies when they win their battles. Beowulf and Achilles both take body parts from their enemies and in Achilles case the whole body of his enemy as their prizes. As lines 357 and 358 in “Beowulf” state, “From the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster’s Arm, claw and shoulder and all” (Allen 53). Beowulf also takes the head of his enemy later in the book when he kills his enemies mother. This point is shown also later in the story, lines 568 through 573 says, “The monsters’ hall was full of Rich treasures, but all that Beowulf took Was Grendel’s head and the hilt of the giants’ Jeweled sword; the rest of that ring-marked Blade had dissolved in Grendel’s steaming Blood, boiling even after his death” (Allen 60). This taking of the body as a prize is also evident in “The Iliad” when Achilles takes Hector’s body and ties it to his chariot and drags his dead body through town. Lines 246 through 253 in “The Iliad” state, “Indeed, he had in mind for Hector’s body outrage and shame. Behind both feet he pierced the tendons, heel to ankle. Rawhide cords he drew through both and lashed them to his chariot, letting the man’s head trail. Stepping aboard, bearing the great trophy of the arms, he shook the reins, and whipped the team ahead into a willing run” (“The Iliad” 86). The taking of the body of their enemies is one of the similarities between these two war heroes and in these two stories. One of the major differences in these two stories is the reason that the heroes are fighting in the first place. In “Beowulf” the hero is fighting to help people and to have a great and grand legacy behind his name opposed to in “The Iliad” the hero is fighting for revenge and is fighting through pure anger. Lines 109 through

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