
Difference between Community Service and Volunteering

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“Volunteers are not paid; not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.” - Sherry Anderson (Volunteering Quotes: Finest Quotes).

On average, when people think about community service, they assume that volunteering is just ‘hours we need to be able to graduate’ and that is it. Community service is more than just hours; community service is based on the acts performed by someone with the purpose of helping or bringing benefits to his or her community. People frequently compare community service as a punishment since it is often offered to small-time offenders as an alternative to fines or jail time. However, community service is the vital force to many communities since they depend on the service made by the volunteers …show more content…

Volunteering in your community helps solve many dilemmas in your community that descend through the eyes of government and social agencies (Everything you ever wanted to know about volunteering). Discussing about volunteering to teenagers should be the first step for a better life, since teenagers are the future of tomorrow and they will leave a mark from yesterday. Volunteering has been such an important matter, that schools in many countries around the world established that 12th grade students will need certain hours of community service in order to graduate. But the frequent answers all the schools are getting are “Why do I need to volunteer? I have better things to do!” What people are forgetting is that each one of them is part of a community, a community that is not perfect and that the government sometimes forgets about their problems or needs, because obviously the government needs to take care of other things that require more attention. People are not only helping others, they are also helping themselves (Volunteering). Volunteering is not a new subject now, but people did not perceive it before because as time goes by, volunteering is becoming more and more popular since each year more people volunteer. Volunteering began around the early 19th century since America was experimenting with the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening was a period in which

the importance of the church was slowly dying and instead the

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