
College Tuition : Is No Worth Paying For College?

Decent Essays

College Tuition Intuition Nobody enjoys paying for college. No one thinks about college and gets excited about all the money they might spend, but now people are actually thinking of ways to fix that. Currently colleges are very expensive, especially private colleges. However, with the current presidential election going on, the possibility of free public college is being brought up. This concept would be greatly beneficial to today’s youth and help them graduate college debt free. Each year, college tuitions increase exponentially. This has raised many concerns as to exactly how people will manage to pay for their education. Unfortunately, there haven’t been many solutions brought up about how future college students could potentially graduate without loans or debt. All of the ideas proposed to solve this issue include some form of increased taxes, but would college really be considered free if people still have to pay for it through taxes? Whether college is paid for directly or paid for through government taxes, money is still being lost. Right now, taxes could only cover public college tuition. What if someone decides to go to a private college? That person would not only have to pay the tuition for a private college, but they would already be paying the tuition for a public college through taxes, a public college that that person doesn’t even plan on attending. No one wants to pay for one college tuition, let alone two, which is why college tuition shouldn’t be made

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