
College Success

Decent Essays

For many years, the idea of success in life has been simple enough: a person embarks in school for twelve years, follows up with college, and that will lead to them having a successful life and career in adulthood. Meant to be a 'natural progression', for many, college was just the next step in life and simply made sense. There weren't many other choices to be made in that regard. You wanted a good life? You went to college. You wanted money? College. You do not want to work at McDonald's for the rest of your life? College. You want a guaranteed future? College.

But this is, unsurprisingly, not an option and future open to many, but not to all and it is not so simple to come by for many. Social class, race, location, the type of education received, and an individual's personality all often play a part in a person's ability to get that 'next step' in life to better themselves. Even upon acceptance, success is not guaranteed to a person at all times, a lesson I initially learned in a difficult manner. …show more content…

Ten years in which life would slow, become stagnant, and no progress would be made outside of working simple customer service jobs and looking to make the next step. The blow to confidence kept me 'in place', so to speak, and not willing to do more to challenge myself. Accepting failure and defeat was simple. Pushing to do better was and continues to be, considerably more difficult than

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