
Coaches Of The Future Personal Statement

Decent Essays

This course interests me greatly because the current ICT business is now becoming the developing future and I believe it is a flourishing business to be involved with. I have been involved in the use of ICT and computers from the age of 6. Since then I have been fascinated with the workings and operations of a computer. I am also really enjoying my A Level in ICT and this has confirmed my decision to pursue a career in the field of computing.
My passion in computer security peaked when I heard that Sony had been hacked into by an unknown source and it made me think “how can a massive company like Sony with a very secure system be hacked”. Also one of my favourite films is the 'Imitation Game' that features Alun Turing, an English computer scientist/mathematician who develops a ‘computer’ to break the German enigma code which was branded as ‘unbreakable’. This has fascinated me since I watched the film, how can one man and his ‘computer’ break a code that is deemed unbreakable? This makes me eager to do this …show more content…

Myself and 23 others were chosen out of the whole of the schools in the district of Caerphilly. This involves working with young people in sport, from this I have gained skills in communication, working with others and leadership. I have also been chosen to become a Young Ambassador of Caerphilly County out of the 23 individuals on the course as I showed great skills and leadership attributes in the selection process. I have been selected to be Deputy Head Boy of my school this year. This role has allowed me to gain skills and responsibilities in organising events such as the sixth form prom and other events in the school. This has involved me interacting with teachers and pupils gauging their opinions and thoughts to enable me to organise these events. This has helped to develop my communication and working with others

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