
Cloud Bi : A Integration Of Two Technologies : Cloud Computing And Business Intelligence

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1. Introduction

Cloud BI:
Cloud BI is an integration of two technologies: Cloud Computing and Business Intelligence. The main aim of this integration is to provide cloud-computing features to Business Intelligence. Cloud BI has matured into an articulate resource and a well-defined structure. The Cloud BI systems are flexible, scalable, easier and faster to deploy than any other systems. As an issue, bigger and obscure information sets can be collected and also transformed into a jaw-dropping show of crude advanced inputs from about every interior and outside part of business. Everyone in your organization can have admittance to information they can get to business on, modify and share. Cloud BI is all the more about simplicity of sending, utilization and administration. While Cloud BI can be facilitated and oversaw by a merchant, it can likewise be conveyed on a private Cloud foundation like Amazon or Microsoft Azure. With the headway of cloud foundation innovations like Openstack, conveying and overseeing private cloud base is getting to be simpler for some ventures. As an issue, whether Cloud BI is sent on a multi/single-inhabitant environment on seller base, an outsider cloud framework like Amazon, Azure, and so forth or on inside private cloud, it gets to be to a greater degree a business choice instead of a specialized restriction.

Traditional BI:
Business Intelligence can be considered as a technology-driven process used for fetching useful and meaningful

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