
Classroom Assessment

Decent Essays

1. Briefly describe your students, including those with special needs.
I teach small groups of children in all areas of English/Language Arts. Students in this particular group are First Grade students whose area of deficiency is phonics. Specifically, classroom assessments indicate that these students struggle with digraph sound chunks. I am in the process of determining if students need intervention decoding or encoding words with digraph sounds.
2. Briefly describe your current unit(s), including the connections between past and future content. What do you want the students to learn?
My instructional cycle will be focused on the student's ability to use, form and read digraphs (sh, th, ck, ch, and wh) and CVC words. We are focused on the Reading Foundational Standard (RF 1.3a): Know spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. Students need to be able to spell, read and use these common consonant digraphs in their daily writing and reading.
3. How do you engage students in the content? What do you do? What do the students do? How are students leading instruction? (Differentiation) …show more content…

I keep things focused, on target and specific. I engage students mainly by my demeanor. I share my passion, experience and have incredibly high expectations for them. Together, the students and I develop an understanding that it’s ok to struggle with reading/writing because both are very hard. But, just because reading/writing is hard… that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. Students respond very well to this type of honesty - I find they almost seem relieved they don’t have to pretend anymore. Students understand that I assess learning often, they understand that assessing is not about them, but about me. The results of the assessments tell me when to stay the course and when I need to make adjustments to my

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