
Classical Conditioning

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Explain the initial pairing of the banging bar and the rat in terms of learning through classical conditioning. The child interpreted the sound of the hammer hitting the steel bar in coincidence with the visualization of the white rat. Even in nine months the child had been programmed by repeatedly hitting the bar and visual stimulation of contact with the white rat, had now become an unconditioned stimulus response by automatically changing physical and emotional outcomes from the child (Porter, B., 2013). What are unconditioned response stimulus (US), Every time the child would hear the noise of hammer hitting the steel bar it would automatically calls for the child to have increased breathing patterns and showing fear from the initial …show more content…

How were Watson and Rayner able to condition Albert to react to different stimuli such as masks, other animals, and a fur coat? Masks: When Santa Claus mask was brought to Albert attention, he showed a response of being negative once again. The test was also presented to a one year old infant as well, as the test was given via Fish slapped it without touching it. As the second and third tests were completed, the child seemed to be more stimulated from the test than any other test that had been done for that reason producing a visual stimulation with crying (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., 2013). Dog: Once the test began with the dog approaching the child he did not react violently as he did with the rabbit. He did not start crying until the dog walked away. When the dog approached the child the second time he leaned to one side and started crying (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., …show more content…

The second time they place the rabbit in front of him directly, he showed a negative response then started to covered his head, in return started crying (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., 2013). Fur Coats: As the Coat was introduced to the child, he immediately pulled away and began to frat. As he was introduced to the fur coat the second time, he wrinkled his nose and went through immediately by calling off on all fours. He had attentively reached the direction of the coat but withdraw immediately (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., 2013). Cotton Wool: they initially presented the cotton to him wrapped in paper, as the paper was open; the child was able to touch the wool for the first time. He initially kicked the paper away, but he never did show the response or the fear that was produced by the fur coat or the rabbit (Watson J. B., & Rayner, R., 2013). White Rat: as they began the test with the white rat it seemed to be going in a forward direction, as the wrapped started crawling towards him he showed very little stimulation. But as they introduce the rat the second time and let it touch his hand he withdraws immediately leaned to one side but did not cry this

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