
Childhood Obesity Is The 21st Century Epidemic Essay

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In the United States childhood obesity is the 21st century epidemic and will be for a long time. In the past 3 decades childhood obesity has been on the rise, and currently one and three children is obese. Only 2 percent of the children in the U.S have a healthy diet. Moreover, obesity rates are much higher in children than in adults, and it is the production and promotion of unhealthy foods as well as lack of physical activity that account for this disparity. It is one of the top health concerns facing children and parents in the U.S. Children that are obese face possible health concerns in the future. “The United States, Brazil, China, Russia and other countries have seen the rise of obesity in children more than adults.”20 The United Nations has 48 least developing countries that are still fighting childhood hunger; however, with globalization it has made the world more productive, wealthier, and with that body fat, weight, health and wealth are linked together. Until the early 1960’s childhood obesity had never been a problem. Between 1963-1970 the rate of obesity for children of both genders through the ages of 6-11 years old was 4.2 percent and for those between the ages of 12-19 the rate was 4.6 percent. From their the rates of children and adolescents who were obese would only increase. In the year of 1971-1974 the rate of 6-11 years old was 4.0 percent, and adolescents between the ages of 12-19 were 6.1 percent. Between the year 1976-1980 the rate of obesity in

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