
Che Guevara Research Paper

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What does a hypersexual Argentinian revolutionary called "the butcher" have to do with protests on American college campuses during the 1960s and 1970s? As it turns out, quite a bit. Che Guevara, the aforementioned revolutionary, was a rallying call for the American college students involved in these protests. The college students saw him as a manifestation of justice martyred and saw his beliefs as aligning with their own. During the 1960s and into the 1970s, protests occurring on American college campuses created an atmosphere of rebellion. College students wanted a symbol to represent this spirit, so they chose Che Guevara, despite the fact that he was a ruthless mass-murderer. College students used him as an icon to represent themselves, …show more content…

Che Guevara's death took place in Bolivia, and had it occurred under different circumstances, Guevara may not have evolved into the colossus known throughout the world. Guevara was killed by Bolivian soldiers acting on a decision made by the Bolivian Government and the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA for short. ("The True Story of Che Guevara" 1:16:02-1:23:45). Rumors that Guevara had died from injuries sustained when he was captured had already spread so his execution would, by no means, require a wide stretch of the imagination ("The True Story of Che Guevara" 1:16:02-1:23:45). To remain consistent with the idea that Guevara died from wounds he had been dealt in combat, Guevara was shot multiple times until he succumbed to a bullet to his thorax; he died choking on his own blood ("The True Story of Che Guevara" 1:16:02-1:23:45). This alone would be enough to lend an aura of martyrdom to Guevara, but it was accompanied by another gruesome truth which shocked many across the globe. Che Guevara's hands were severed from his body and presented to Fidel Castro to prevent any doubts as to Guevara's demise ("The True Story of Che Guevara" 1:24:21-1:29:45). In addition, Guevara's corpse was buried in an undisclosed location to prevent admirers from finding him ("The True Story of Che Guevara" 1:24:21-1:29:45). As one may very well have guessed, instead of

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